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Monday, June 1, 2009

All I need to know......

My little Turkey Buns has done it.  

She has graduated to all-day school.....better known as 1st grade

As I sat with all the moms the last day of school and watched them fanatically snapping photos and tearing up I wondered what was wrong with meYou see, while it is a little bittersweet she is growing up, I chose to focus on how awesome it is to see all all of the things she is now able to do.

And I also chose to think about some of the things I learned from having a kid in Kindergarten this year.

1)     Girls are catty even at age 5
2)     Boys are confusing to girls.........even at age 5
3)     Your teacher is always a goddess in kindergarten. They are made from a different mold     (trust me, I'm a high school teacher & there is a reason why)
4)     Reading is good. Until you read your Mom's emails over her shoulder and cussing is involved.
5)    Homework sucks. Even in kindergarten.
6)    You may not worry about who has the biggest boobs or best car yet, but man, tooth loss is way cool.
7)    They MUST teach Spanish fluency and eye-rolling accuracy in kindergarten. Si.
8)    Playdates are a must in kindergarten.....or you suddenly become devil mom for playdate deprivation.
9)    Field Day is still the coolest day of the year.
10)  Kindergarten really brings out the little person in you. And you grow. And you seem about five years older when you walk out the door the last day.

So, I'm proud of my kiddo who mastered it all this year and was ahead of the curve.

I look forward to doing it all again with my other kiddo, who is an entirely different kind of kid, in another year. This kid at this year's kindergarten graduation proclaimed "My Mom has the bleeds today!"

What a day to remember.  

Kindergarten Cop No More,


  1. Sniff. My Oldest moves onto First in the Fall as well. How did that happen?

    And don't worry, playdates are from Hell - Devil Mom fits right in.

    Hope your bleeds are treating you OK :-)

  2. LMBO!

    Especially at the "my mom has the bleeds today."


    At least you know what is "expected" of you. I'm sure you'll do great! *smile*

  3. very sweet and true! I'll make sure to edit my e-mails to you now.

  4. Happy Graduation to your daughter! You have a great way of looking at it, Annie!

  5. I love watching my kids grow and change!

  6. I totally agree. Kindergarten is when the world gets a whole lot bigger for our children and when our children get a whole lot bigger to us.

    And, my hat off to you lady ... a high school teacher? You are also made from a very special mold. Thank you for what you do.

  7. oh, this is so sweet. as yours officially enters elementary school, mine officially leaves.

    kindergarten feels like a lifetime ago. so sweet...

  8. Loved the post Annie! I didn't cry when I dropped off my peanut to daycare for the first time...I just saw it as an awsome oppertunity for her. Thanks for being real!

  9. I LOVE kindergarten!! That's why I teach it - every damn day.


  10. My oldest is going to a new school, the Intermediate school. With lockers and stuff.

    My youngest is going into first grade. I'm so excited to watch's such an amazing thing.

    Great post!!!!

  11. "My mom has the bleeds today."- OMG!!
    This post has be cracking up.
    "Boys are confusing to girls.........even at age 5"
    You are hilarious!

  12. Annie - I love your list and I kinda wanna make a plaque out of it and hang it somewhere in my home. I especially like the realization that Field Day is still the coolest day of the year.

    I need a mama's Field Day - anyone with me??



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