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Wednesday, January 14, 2009

W.W. - A Divine Sign

This morning as I prepared to shirk all of my domestic duties once again and settle in on my laptop, I glanced outside on our deck and saw this:

I'm taking this as a sign from God to get my head out of my computer's ass and clean my neglected floors.  And fold my neglected laundry.  And replenish my neglected refrigerator. And pay a little attention to my neglected children.

If I don't stop by today, please don't be mad.  

I'm working on saving my soul.

(This is my first "Wordful Wednesday" from Angie at SevEn cLoWn CirCuS.)

P.S.  There's a little MWOB anniversary reader appreciation giveaway going on that ends today BST.  (That's, Blogging Standard Time) 

If you're interested, read this.


  1. Wow! Looks like a sign! Luckily I haven't seen anything like that at my house today!

  2. I'm so glad you joined in today. Good luck doing all that you need to! :)

  3. Please don't go cleaning you house and stuff, because I'm gonna feel guilty!
    BTW, stop by my blog, you've been called out!

  4. if that isn't divine intervention for ya.... Good Luck I am on laundry duty, work, and errands. blah blah blah!

  5. Ugh, I could sure use a sign! Going on two weeks of dragging my butt out of the holidays!

  6. Hey give me a brownie button, I actually took my little guy to the park!!


    It was rough on me, but hey sometimes you gotta make blog sacrifices!

  7. I try to host something once every couple of weeks (tonight it's book club), which forces me to clean my house, especially the bathrooms. YUCK!

  8. I should be mopping and folding and stuffing cloth diapers get the point instead I have been commenting for the last hour and 20 minutes...I am going for housewife of the year here!

  9. Yeah... I have a whole neglected house I should take care of.. but ...meh

    I hope you get a lot done

  10. I love that picture. I laughed hard at it. Yup! I think God is trying to tell you something. I may have to steal that picture, I love it so much.

  11. Yes, I think you should probably save your soul. ;)

  12. I hope you got all of your tasks accomplished. I have been MIA from the blogging world lately because it was time I got my house in order and put the blogging aside for a bit. I'm hoping to find more "me time" (bloggy fun time) now that i've gotten most of the adult responsibility stuff out of the way.

  13. This is the story of my life... except I don't see any cleaning supplies, I just keep walking or staring at the sky. Ignore everything except my computer and the kitchen My poor little babies! Meh. They'll get over it! ;-)

    Hey: I just gave you an award!! Come over to collect.

  14. um, what is that thing on your deck? It looks dangerous.

  15. It's okay, I understand. I think I have a kid around here somewhere, under the big pile of laundry, or maybe those empty pizza boxes. Sigh. Time for a break.

    Hey, Thank you for the follow, happy to have you on board! Peace, IG

  16. As i was climbing the stairs to go to bed last night, after a hard day doing....uh...something...
    I noticed that in the corners of the stairs were these little piles of dog hair. Huh...I thought, where could all of that hair come from? We only have the one little dog...

  17. that is exactly what I see everytime I walk into my washing area which is several times a day as it is near the fridge.

  18. I had the exact same epiphany today. Except my Sign from God came in the form of two new Theo Chocolate bars and a really good book.

    Not being one to ignore Signs from God, I have the kiddos set up with every Lego in the house, and the ringer on the phone is OFF.

    Don't mess with God. He's SERIOUS.

  19. BST...blogging standard time. ha!!! Love it. I also have "BB"..before blogging. What was that life like?

  20. That is a sign! A sign you need to find a better hiding place for your mop!


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